Nippy Nip NYE 2020
Lace up your shoes and get ready for another Nippy Nip NYE Celebration in Boulder!! Hosted by Ryan Van Duzer Asa Firestone & Boulder Adventure Lodge. $15 entry at the door (comes with free champagne at midnight). Free entry for runners and hotel guests.
This is a party that is right at home in Boulder. Good healthy trail running for the whole family… in the freezing cold… in costumes… followed by a damn good NYE party! This fun run will start and finish at the A-Lodge, located just up Boulder Canyon on Fourmile Canyon Dr. Since the Creek Path is closed, this year we will head up towards Betasso and loop back to finish at the lodge. Bring micro spikes.
Race starts at 10pm, come earlier to get warmed up and stay afterwards for Boulder’s best NYE celebration! Dancing, DJ, hot tub, ski shots, and fresh mountain air for all runners!
There will be prizes donated by local Boulder businesses for the fastest runners, best costumes, and one lucky person will win the coveted ‘Booby’ prize for the slowest runner.
**This is not a real race, think of it as a casual fun run or a cruiser ride with no bikes. There will be no course marshals, no numbers, and definitely no insurance. As the great Micah True once said, “If I get hurt, lost or die, it’s my own damn fault.”
Entry to the race is food that we’ll donate to Emergency Family Assistance. Also gets you a free ticket into the party. Some of their specific needs are eggs, canned fruit, cereal and carrots, but feel free to bring whatever.
The after party is not to be missed. DJ with music and booz at the A-Lodge bar. Free champagne at midnight.
There’s about 50 spots at the lodge for parking. Do not drive drunk or we will kick your ass. Uber, and taxis can take you, it’s only 2 miles from town.
This is going to be epic and a fun and healthy way to ring in 2020!